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Natural (clay) plaster recipe + sequence question.

patrick newberry goshawk at
Mon Sep 23 22:28:22 CDT 1996

sequence of cob house. with adobe floor
1. put in foudation
2. put up walls         rough in window and doors.      
3. put up roof
4. put in adobe floor
5 finish inside walls

Do you imbed electric wires and outlets in the walls?
What about plumbing?

>Natural Plaster, (from Robert LaPorte's Moose Prints)
>Rough Coat:
>	1 part creamy clay slip (from site or mixed water and clay)
>	2 parts medium sand
>	1/2 part fiber (chopped straw)

 What about dried blood or lime (type-n) 
I willl more than likely use the recipe on at least of the walls  as  I
would rather not have to buy anything unless It really makes a significant