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The Last Straw Info on Web

Perry Chamberlain Kato at QNET.COM
Sat Nov 2 11:52:20 CST 1996

Tom Hahn wrote:
> Hello everyone - Thanks to the assistance and support of Mike Bishop (of
> the Strawhomes Web site), and his Web-page design company "netChaos", The
> Last Straw now has a bit of a Web presence.  The URL is:
> <>
> Though still "under construction", it currently includes information about
> the staff and contents of The Last Straw, and a reprint from the most
> recent issue - an interview and profile of two of the authors of The Straw
> Bale House book, Athena and Bill Steen.  Soon, we will be adding a piece
> from the upcoming issue reviewing some straw-bale Web resources, and a
> piece from one of our back isses on straw-bale design.  Also included is a
> link to a remailer for a subscription form.
> We're exploring an expanded site in the near future, with more excerpts
> from past issues, a complete index, etc.  Drop us a line and let us know
> what you think.
> Regards to all,
> Tom Hahn
> Editor
> *********************************************************************
Your name. Social Security Number, current address. previous address,
mothers maiden name, birth date and other personal
information is now available to anyone with a credit card through a new
Lexis database called P-TRAX, This information
could be used to commit credit card fraud or otherwise allow someone
else to use your identity. as of this date, the
LEXTS-NEXIS will, only accept written requests to have your name removed
from the P-TRAX database. LEXIS-NEXIS
MANAGER. I reccommend that we inudate these people with request to
remove our info from the list and forward this
e-mail/information, to everyone we know. 
Perry Chamberlain
Hang'n out in the High Desert
"Build from the Earth, Not from the Store"
Kato at