Rethink Your Life!
Finance, health, lifestyle, environment, philosophy
The Work of Art and The Art of Work
Kiko Denzer on Art

Retaining wall

goshawk at goshawk at
Sun Nov 24 00:27:07 CST 1996

I thought I'd say something. 
We plan on having a ground breaking on news years eve night
the plans are still being worked on.
front room / dining room / office will be a hexagram (each side 15
feet) adjoining three bed rooms We will start the front room in cob
and if it goes good with the cob we will make the bedrooms cob as
well. if time started getting short we will make the bedroom walls
This is all going to be attachted to a trailer (35 ft long) which 
will serve as kitchen bath etc.

 Talk with you all latter.
"If you don't have enouph madness in you, go and rehabilitate
yourself" - Rumi
"If you don't have enouph madness in you, go and rehabilitate yourself" - Rumi