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The Work of Art and The Art of Work
Kiko Denzer on Art

where the wall and the foundation meet.

Shannon C. Dealy dealy at
Wed Dec 18 23:24:38 CST 1996

On Wed, 18 Dec 1996 goshawk at wrote:

> I've been talking about doing my foundation in rock. 
> I'm thinking that I need to put a break between the cob/wall and the 
> stone/foundation/stem wall
> I quess one could paint some ashpalt emulsion or such to make the 
> break.
> Do  the folks at the cob  cottage put a break between the foundations 
> and the cob?

No they don't.  So far as I am aware the only point of putting a break
between the foundation and the wall is to prevent moisture migration from
the ground through the foundation and into the wall.  If you are building
a rock wall about one foot above grade, then that should provide an
adequate moisture break (assuming that you have provided adequate
perimeter drainage around the foundation).

Shannon Dealy
dealy at