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Cob Re: Earthen plasters

Eric Hart erichart at
Fri Dec 26 23:30:39 CST 1997

At 08:32 AM 12/22/97 +0000,  Craig Hull <chull at> wrote:
>How do earthen plasters take paint? Aside from decorating
>considerations, this could negate the problem of clay stains
>on shirts.
           I haven't tried painting an earthen plaster wall.  Generally if
you plaster the interior you don't paint since the plaster is supposed to be
a finish that doesn't need painted.  I avoid painting since it has to be
eventually repainted and most paint is pretty noxious stuff.

Eric D. Hart
Community Eco-design Network
PO Box 6241
Minneapolis, Minnesota  55406  USA
erichart at
(612) 306-2326 (voicemail)