Rethink Your Life!
Finance, health, lifestyle, environment, philosophy
The Work of Art and The Art of Work
Kiko Denzer on Art

Cob <<!!HELP!!>>

Rog rogb at
Wed May 20 22:12:37 CDT 1998

> Hello cob peoples! I'm doing a homework assignment about cob
> contruction. Can anyone help me out? I need to figure out what would be
> an impressive way to present it and cover as many of the facts as I can.
> The class is called, "Pursuit of Sustainability."

There's a few well-pitched arguements on the web, try searching for the
"Cob Cottage Company" in particular.  Lot's of q's and a's on their page.
>From there, check the early-resource material from this list for a few
technical pointers.

Cheers, Rog.