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Subject: Cob Commercial clay production

Keith Breuker flyfisherkb at
Sat Apr 3 21:50:02 CST 1999

jmcniece at wrote:
> .....
> Having done your house, do you
> have any idea how many lbs. of
> clay you actually used? (or lbs per
> sq ft of straw clay or earth plastering?)
> Best,
> Joanie
> Joanie Highland McNiece
> Colorado Springs
> JMcNIece at

Our house is around 820 square feet inside about 21' by 40' single
story.  We used 10 cubic yards of clay and the same amount of sand to
plaster the exterior.  One ten yard load of clay delivered to us cost
$60 and sand was $50 for ten yards delivered.  We used slightly less for
the interior. 
Keith Breuker - Engineer

Straw Bale Owner/Builder
Flyfishing Author
Beulah, Michigan  USA
616 882-5648