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Cob: RE: Re: Re: Please Help, listers please read this

Thu Jul 1 14:19:37 CDT 1999

This was off-topic, but important it's still off-topic but it's
degenerated into name calling...can it end here?


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-coblist at [mailto:owner-coblist at]On
Behalf Of Dennis
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 1999 2:03 PM
To: Mary Zan Warren; Liberaro at
Cc: coblist at
Subject: Cob: Re: Re: Please Help, listers please read this

I'm glad you put in this disclaimer            "I work
> for the child protective services here in Texas and I can't imagine "

I have had experiences with your type in the past.......
You mean well, but don't have the practical experience to know any
better..... It's a shame that Texas and other states can't afford more
experienced people instead of social do-gooders  who know just enough to be