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Cob: cob in Italy

cedterra cedterra at
Tue Aug 31 14:23:36 CDT 1999


We are an italian documentation center about Raw Earth Building, expecially
cob, a technic used in our italian region of Abruzzo (in our town there are
124 traditional cob buildings)

Every useful information about tecnics for the reneval of old cob buildings
are welcome.
If you know books, publications or videos that show how to make repair and
restoration of old buildings please write us, the same if you have ideas
and photos about how to produce with machines big quantity of cob.
(wich kind of machines? can you maybe send us a picture or a description?
how many mixture will be produce in 1 hour and with how many persons?) 

Actually we are organising an international meeting (is every year here in
september, with the meeting of the national assotiation of italian mud
builders and historian).
Meanwhile we organise too an International Photografic Competition about
"Raw Earth Architecture". partecipation is free. First price around 500
Dead-line for sending works: 30.10.99
futher information on our internet page

We will be glad if you could too inform other interested people in your
region about our Photografical Competition.

Thanks for your attention!

We will be glad too to know more about raw earth architecture in your

best wishes			barbara narici for cedterra

PS We are interested to have new links for our link page, and will be glad
if you can put our link in your web page. Actually unfortunately we have
some difficulties to translate pages in english, if somebody can help us we
will be very glad. Thanks for your collaboration!!!

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<html><head></head><BODY bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><p><font size=2 color="#000000" face="Arial">Hello!<br><br>We are an italian documentation center about Raw Earth Building, expecially cob, a technic used in our italian region of Abruzzo (in our town there are 124 traditional cob buildings)<br><br>Every useful information about tecnics for the reneval of old cob buildings are welcome.<br>If you know books, publications or videos that show how to make repair and restoration of old buildings please write us, the same if you have ideas and photos about how to produce with machines big quantity of cob.<br>(wich kind of machines? can you maybe send us a picture or a description? how many mixture will be produce in 1 hour and with how many persons?) <br><br>Actually we are organising an international meeting (is every year here in september, with the meeting of the national assotiation of italian mud builders and historian).<br>Meanwhile we organise too an International Photografic Competition about "Raw Earth Architecture". partecipation is free. First price around 500 ECU. <br>Dead-line for sending works: 30.10.99<br>futher information on our internet page <font color="#0000FF"><u></u><font color="#000000"><br><br>We will be glad if you could too inform other interested people in your region about our Photografical Competition.<br><br>Thanks for your attention!<br><br>We will be glad too to know more about raw earth architecture in your nation.<br><br>best wishes			barbara narici for cedterra<br><br>PS We are interested to have new links for our link page, and will be glad if you can put our link in your web page. Actually unfortunately we have some difficulties to translate pages in english, if somebody can help us we will be very glad. Thanks for your collaboration!!!<br><br><br><br><br></p>