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Cob: Re: Potassium silicate - safety issues, etc

Lee Keetle dewdrops at
Sun May 14 09:27:41 CDT 2000

They skip over Potassium Silicate in my NIOSH pocket guide to chemical
hazzards.  They do list Portland cement tho-  Perhaps there's a petroleum
carrier in liquid product that causes difficulty.

There did seem to be issues with some airborne silica compounds causing a
medical condition like asbestosis (from asbestos).  Pulmonary fibroids and
cancer result after long term exposure (30 years).  I believe it has alot to
do with the geometry of the microscopic particles becoming lodged in the
lung sacs and the body's inability to break down element through natural
chemistry.  There are many silica products we use everyday in like in
shampoo- and I even found a dietary supplement that claims to bind toxic
free radicals in your system.

Bet Potassium Silicate is OK healthwise, but I'm just guessing.
