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Cob: re: BC All Cobbers Day on Mayne Island

K Kanarry kkanarry at
Tue Oct 3 00:08:38 CDT 2000

I have just returned home from a fantastic weekend
spent on Mayne Island net"working" with cob
enthusiasts from all over BC (and a few from beyond).
It was my first hands on opportunity to do some
building and also talk with some amazingly gifted and
unique people. Kudos go to Patrick, Elke and Tracy of
Cob Cottage for organizing such an informative event.
If anyone can make it to next years Cobbers Day I
highly recommend it if only for the company (and the
food!!! Thanks Tina and Yvette!) For someone like me
who has no experience and little knowledge, I was
amazed at how much I learned in only two days. I'm
sure it would be the same for any level of expertice
as there was such a wide range of participants. Well,
until we all meet again,

Happy Cobbing!

Kerry Griffiths
Vancouver, BC

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