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Cob: posts embeded in cob wall

Shawn Honeychurch ironfire at
Wed Nov 1 06:44:01 CST 2000

   Hi All;

   Thanks for the quick response!
   We're in BC, Canada.
   We're designing a home with straight walls
 because I
   just can't seem to
   think round!
   I like straight wall, anyhow.  But we're hoping
   fill a post and beam
   structure in with cob, as we said.
   I know strawbale provides more R-value
   but I attended a
   strawbale workshop with past summer and just
   feel convinced that this
   is the way to go.
   I've heard too many storied of spontaneous
   combustion and rotting walls!  I
   also like the idea of passive solar heating with
   dense mass (like cob
   walls).  We live in a semi-arid area near the
   Mountains and although
   it gets cold in the winter, we get tons of sun.
   You are right that cob is repairable.  I was
   worried about wall
   strength.  What do you think?  Maybe it'll be
   because the main strength
   of the house will be the post and beam structure
   Thanks again!  Let's talk more!