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Cob: filtering water

Amanda Peck ap615 at
Mon Mar 17 19:17:24 CST 2003

I may have posted this link before, I've certainly printed it out for myself 
and others a couple of times.

He's using a roof washer with a purification system much like you had been 

when it comes to tank sizing, remember that he doesn't use rainwater full 
time, at least partly because he lives in the city and in an area with two 
seasons--wet and very dry indeed.

Pushing water is much easier than pulling it, by the way.

The Cottage Life (Canadian Magazine) book on water systems is pretty good, 
by the way.

I have friends on a Pacific Island who decided to go with rainwater 
catchment--and a 25,000 gallon ferrocement tank.  They too, have wet and dry 
systems, and sometimes get a little edgy about their water supply at the end 
of the dry season.  But they use the dishwasher, washing machine, have lots 
of guests taking showers, even, now, a hot tub--wonderful, they assure me, 
after scuba diving.

I envy you your stream suitable for bathing in.  When mine has that much 
water in it, it's in serious flood.  No, thanks.

You might try a search on -water iron filter.  I turned up a couple of 
fairly expensive so-called "chemical free iron remover" things--like 
these--I've never had the problem, don't know anything about it OR any of 
these guys.  The second site mentions Birm. The third is an overview from 
the Nebraska Agricultural extension guys.


Chrys writes about her problems with iron and magnesium laden water:

b.  I had some water pro goodguys install a berm type filter which self
flushes several times per week. This was working pretty well - until the
guys folded their business - moved to the city & got a city water
job...leaving me no references or clues as to who to get to help me maintain
this second system.  This has been several years now.

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