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Cob: Tractor Cob-->>small cob housing

Mary Hooper mjhooper at
Thu Jul 3 22:28:08 CDT 2003

> yes Mary, the answer is TRACTOR cob...two guys here in Nevada City, CA
> perfected a system  of using a small bobcat to "pad mix" on a flat spot--

Ooh, wow! I am impressed! :-)
I have asked for a Bobcat for christmas every year for the last five,  but
Santa has been busy with other requests :-(
Thanks for the encouraging info, Chamaine. Now I can actually believe  that
I can do it--with some help, maybe from Phil's group?-- beginning with a
garden shed and working from there...... soon as my summer company leaves, I will start looking for an acre or
two with the correct type of dirt.....(have land now, but don't want to put
another structure on it as it is small animal, bird, and deer, etc.,
habitat ) meanwhile, I can begin playing at drawing some plans.... now,
let's see if the best laid plans of mouse and (wo)man.........
cheerio, Mary