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[Cob] suds

Jon Kerr jonskerr at
Thu Sep 16 22:38:33 CDT 2004

Another point about this thread is that modern detergents have SUDSING 
AGENTS added in, and BTW so does a lot of mass market beer.  The reason 
proper soap is usable for waterproofing would be the oil repelling 


 >a) unless you're using Dr Bronner's Peppermint Soap for your dishes, 
(o.k., his almond, or lavender count too), you're probably using 
DETERGENT.  Even the Bronner Sal Suds is a detergent.  I don't know 
much about detergents.  Soaps are made with a fat or oil and a strong 
base like lye by definition.  And there may be a big difference between 
soap and detergent in the context of traditional waterproofing.


 >Kathy wrote:
Uh, no, I don't think so.  I use regular ol' liquid dish soap in my
acrylic water based paints (to extend drying time) and none of it
has ever "re-suds up".