Rethink Your Life!
Finance, health, lifestyle, environment, philosophy
The Work of Art and The Art of Work
Kiko Denzer on Art

[Cob] RE: silverfish

Mary Lou McFarland louiethefifth at
Thu Mar 17 20:23:43 CST 2005

When my husband and I bought our house twenty-three years ago the stool had 
been neglected and the damp in the floor was rotting the boards.  That was 
where we had silverfish and what our then little girls called "pill" bugs.  
The ones that look like an insect version of armadillos and curl up.  As 
soon as the damp, rotten environment was disposed of, the bugs disappeared.  
Never used any toxins or bug sprays.  Maybe you would want to make sure you 
had more then the standard eighteen inches of stem wall when in 
termite/silverfish territory.