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[Cob] temporary type ovens

Peter Ellis dukegavin at
Fri Jul 29 15:39:40 CDT 2005

>From: "Amanda Peck" <ap615 at>
>To: coblist at
>Subject: [Cob] temporary type ovens
>Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2005 13:15:36 -0500
>They've been built for a lot of purposes, seems like Kiko Denzer has done 
>some.  Probably lots of others as well.
>But there's a series of pictures here in the 2004 Masonry Heater 
>Association meetings pictures.
>>From many of the workshops--including the cob oven:
>A larger selection from just the cob oven workshop, including some on 
>speed-drying their (very wet?) cob--slow loading might want to open just 
>one of the links at a time, at least with dial-up:
>I'd be cautious about using a full-sized rocket stove, with heat up to 1500 
>degrees F as the heater for a workshop/temporary/quickly built pizza oven.
Yep.. have Kiko's book, used it as the basis for my project last summer, and 
it's certainly influenced this summer's plans as well.  Also been through 
the MHA page in some detail... the masonry heaters hold their own 

As to the heat, you can get up there with a conventional wood fire too.  I 
have no concerns about the oven itself holding up to the heat, but I am a 
tad nervous about the chimney portion of the assembly.

Peter Ellis