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[Cob] Re: Coblist Digest, Vol 4, Issue 13

Mark Gailmor vegan.mark at
Thu Mar 2 15:00:13 CST 2006

On 3/1/06, Mark Gailmor <vegan.mark at> wrote:
> Hey Folks,
> Not sure how many of you know about the new book, Building With Cob by
> Adam Weisman and Katy Bryce, but it will be released in the states this
> month. I discovered it when I was doing a search on cob building and I have
> preordered it from Amazon. They basically came over here to the states  to
> take a cob building course from Ianto Evans, and have run with their
> knowledge after taking the course. The have a website called Cob in Cornwall
> and they have won countless awards. The website url is:
> Also, if you want to preorder the
> book, here's a link to it on amazon but you can get an idea of what's inside
> from the cob in cornwall website. Here's the amazon link:
> Peace,
> Mark
> P.S. Just remember, it's all about what kind of vision you have and not
> how big your bankroll is.