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[Cob] cobb and cement

Shody Ryon qi4u at
Fri Mar 24 20:37:21 CST 2006

There is more to it, according to the archives
associated with this list.
For one thing, clay/cob expands with moisture and
Portland cement does not. Additionally there is a
chemical incompatibility; the reaction reduces the
ability of either to maintain cohesiveness and
structural integrity, as I understand it.

--- Patrick Newberry <PNewberry at> wrote:

> I believe that is when the cob was plastered with
> the cement locking in
> mositure. 
> If you wanted to cover the cement with the cob then
> mositure is not
> locked in. 
> Pat
> <snip>
> hi~
>     i always thought cement/concrete react with cobb
> and cause the cobb
> to crumble over time, thus making it a dangerous
> combo??
> </snip>
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