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[Cob] Permits can't be far off now

paul dotpaul at
Tue Jan 23 21:55:11 CST 2007

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "joe r dupont" <joedupont at>
To: <cobanation at>
Cc: <coblist at>
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2007 3:45 PM
Subject: Re: [Cob] Permits can't be far off now

> how much does raising all of that corn cost in energy for fertilizer to
> make alcohol with a net loss of energy.
> Bush is pushing for more of this..  wonderful

I saw the numbers once, Joe.  It ain't lookin' so green to me.  It looks 
horrible - like unsustainable dust-bowl depletion of the soil with factory 
grade mono-crops.  And ........ (as if we need an "and") ..... at a net loss 
of energy, or close to it.  Brilliant.

Some advanced society, eh?

We're advanced like a disease.