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[Cob] Mesh/webbing choices> interior walls

paul dotpaul at
Wed Jan 24 20:50:57 CST 2007

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Copper Harding" <copperharding at>
To: <coblist at>
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2007 12:14 PM
Subject: [Cob] Mesh/webbing choices> interior walls

> Charmaine makes an excellent point about webbing from
> carpet.  Some people have been framing interior walls
> with 2x4s spaced quite far apart (non-loadbearing) and
> have nailed/stapled used carpeting across them on each
> side.  The backing is facing out to the room.  The
> insides can be filled with light straw clay, cob,
> whatever and the backing takes a nice earthen plaster.
> Relatively thin, landfill materials, straight walls
> (but only if that's what you like).
> Be careful and make sure that you pull your carpet
> REALLY tight as it does tend to sag as plaster wets
> and weighs it down a bit.
> Have fun  :)
Nice description Copper.
