Rethink Your Life!
Finance, health, lifestyle, environment, philosophy
The Work of Art and The Art of Work
Kiko Denzer on Art

[Cob] Please help us find a good person/family to take over our cob project

ari at ari at
Tue Feb 13 11:38:36 CST 2007

Hello --

A few weeks back I posted a notice about selling our 8-acre property  
with cob cottage near Austin, Texas.  (I mistakenly listed it as 5,  
but it really is 8 acres.)  It is still available.

7 years ago we attended a cob workshop by Cob Cottage and bought this  
land with the dream of building our own home, raise our family,  
hopefully grow into organic farming and ecovillage.  We worked hard on  
it but this last year we decided that we really couldn't go on because  
of family and financial reasons.  It was a very, very hard decision.

We really want to find a person/family just like who we used to be,  
dreaming of creating natural homes and intentional communities, to  
take over the ownership of what we started and keep it going.  We do  
need to sell it and make certain amount of money (we're asking $110k  
-- which covers our investment into the land and the material), but if  
we can find such a person/family we will do everything in our power to  
enable them to buy it.  Plus, the natural building community around  
Austin really needs that land to remain available -- we used to host  
many workshops there, as it is one of the few building projects  
readily accessible from the community.

So if you could, please check out the description of our land on the  
web page below and pass on the word to your local natural building  
community.  And send us your good thoughts/well wishes/prayers so that  
this project can be passed on to a good set of hands that will take it  
further and make it be an excellent asset to the natural building  
