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[Cob] What would you do with $355m?

Ray Cirino cobanation at
Tue Mar 6 00:44:25 CST 2007

I normally don't play this 1 in a billion chance at Lotto, but it makes me think. What would I do with such money. I went down to my local 7-11 and spent a few bucks, but asked everyone in line what are they going to spend it on. Well America is for the most part brain washed into believing money can buy happiness without philanthropy.  I almost feel people are greedy, as one guy said I need a new car and another said a new house and so on. Not one person was hip to permaculture. I told a few I drive for free and get a free meal in the process and they didn't believe it.   Well when I win, you'll all get some of the pie, but I want you to give 10% to someone with a great idea to make the world a better place. Not a vacation or a new car, but something in 50 years will matter. It's hard enough to buy a x-mas gift that lasts two years, let alone setting a sustainable pattern. I will also build Cobland, where you must build a home of recycled or natural sustainable materials.
 Then a food forest to feed everyone, create art  that pumps water harvests the wind and streams. Create a lifestyle where watching TV is considered embarrassing if you're caught.  We'll have fun at Cobland and we'll be playing, but really working.. Imagine a mud slide made of clay that absorbs cancer cells out of you as you play. It would be like a bobsled run that ends up in a crystal clear pond you could drink from. Come over to my kitty house dressed like furry animals and walk the natural foot paths in my home and learn as you gaze at all the natural wonders. It's time to eat, so I take the lid off my solar cooker and feed you all fresh garden veggies and some of the fish Albert caught in the pond. Kids are having lots of fun with the farm animals., especially the chicken tractor rolling out eggs or a goat bucking their heads. The bees live in the kitchen behind glass and birds nests are the small window up the staircase to the guest room. One of the guest rooms is a
 treehouse that is a large flower bud where your pj's are ladybugs, butterflies and hummingbirds.  The hot tub has been heating up all day from passive solar panels that happened to be this magical phoenix bird. The compost pile has so many earthworms I give them to a new comer who never heard of us or seen us because we blend with the landscape. So a year later he gives the next new comer the worms ancestors. There's too many grapes, too much food, but our society as we know it has failed, so as they drag their only thing with wheels that goes, their suitcases, we feed them healthy organic food. Some still crave french fries and Coke or a smoke, Starbucks, internet, e-mail, Idol, stock market report, cell phone conversation while driving or a flour and sugar fix.
   The real story is we don't need millions of dollars for this lifestyle, just a small model to show how it's done. 
  What's your plan?

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