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[Cob] cob and The Code

hms.mommy at hms.mommy at
Tue May 1 20:55:09 CDT 2007

On Tue, 1 May 2007 17:56:33 -0400 Damon Howell
<dhowell at> writes:
>  But it's funny and, of course ridiculous, that as Kindra points 
> out the modern codes are requiring some sort of "new research" that  
> legitimizes cob as a building material. They've lasted for hundreds  
> of years in every climate around the world! What more evidence do 
> you  need? Kat's got the best point I think I've ever heard; With every
> bad move our freedoms and self values are taken away from us and  
> we're allowing it to happen (in fact want it to).> 

It's very ridiculous to have to have a cob code.  We just have to
convince the people in authority over us that it's okay to let us do what
we want.  I have a friend who insists that he does not recognize anyone's
authority over him, except his church authorities.  That's fine, but when
he sets the cruise control for 100 mph, he gets speeding tickets the same
as the rest of us.  We just have to get involved in the code process. 
Since there isn't one for cob, we who care about it need to be the ones
to write it and make sure it protects our rights.  If we who believe that
freedom matters and cob is viable don't get involved in the effort to
create a good code, what will happen when those who don't care about
freedom discover that cob is viable?
