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[Cob] (no subject)

paul dotpaul at
Fri May 4 22:26:57 CDT 2007

I can't tell you that I live in Massholechusetts because I'm too ashamed of 
admitting that I'm from a pothole infested, tax infested, automobile 
infested, police infested,  Kennedy infested, pollution infested, developor 
infested, illegal immigrant infested, Skull and Bones infested,  Dukakis 
infested, Big Dig Tunnel infested,  mobster infested crap hole.

Other than that I love the place.  Do I get positive-thinking points for 
that last bit?

The women here are actually very pretty.  I have no idea why.  It's not the 
water, I can tell you that (bilge.)

The beaches are first class too.  Just don't strike a match on a hot summer 
day or the gasoline fumes (thanks to the infestation of boats full of obese 
drunks frying their carcinomas) floating on the water will ignite.  On 
second thought .....

You can swim in the Charles River (Boston) now they say.  You used to lose 
an arm or leg doing that.  Now it's just a Morgellon's rash that eats the 
top layers of flesh and leaves you looking like a lobster.

And we have great lobsters.  You like eating giant, red cockroaches that 
feed on heavy metals and human excrement?  We got 'em, and you pay big 
dollars for them here.

Come on up.  You thought Georgia was a crap hole?  Hahahahaha, we got a big 
head start on you.  Why do you think they threw the tea into the harbor? 
Signs of things to come.  Now we throw EVERYTHING in the harbor.  We are, 
after all, a highly advanced civilization.  We have Hahhvahd here.

Don't get me going!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Damon Howell" <dhowell at>
To: <coblist at>
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2007 4:35 PM
Subject: [Cob] (no subject)

> One thing I would really appreciate is if everyone who submits
> something to the list would let other readers know what state they
> live in.
> Thanks a bunch,
> Damon Howell
> North Georgia
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