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[Cob] cob:code

Will Kernan willkernan5 at
Sat May 5 12:45:36 CDT 2007

The code can be incredibly restrictive and arbitrary, yet it does offer some protection from unscrupulous builders. The solution is simple, allow builders of private buildings  the choice to be certified by the code or not. Also the monopoly of "the code" should be broken. If multiple private companies compete against each other to certify homes, they will be driven to write a cob code that will be far more sensible  than anything the current code would allow. Production builders will build to code simply because certified homes will be easier to sell and get a higher price. local municipalities will still have their laws on set backs, min.-max size, number of buildings, height, sewage disposal, etc. And in most areas builders will have to pay an "impact fee" before building. Most builders have disagreements with the code and would welcome a privatized system. Of course the code certifying agencies would be licensed by the government and need licensed engineers etc. 
I know this is less likely to happen than a cob amendment to the existing code but it would be the best solution for everyone.
I'm in Arizona

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