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[Cob] (no subject)

joe r dupont joedupont at
Thu May 24 15:41:45 CDT 2007

Mike Ohler of 50 dollar house fame decided to build in the ground with
the widows facing up the hill.
hills creep as you illuded to  .
eventually  dirt pressure tends to cave in flat walls.
round walls fair much better. ie  earthship..
I always thought about putting a water proof roof over such a building
and then covering it with bags of dried leaves. and more tarps and then
maybe a little dirt to grow some ivy or somthing. to shield out the sun. 
leaves are free bags are cheap and  3 to 4 feet of leaves weigh very

On Thu, 24 May 2007 15:19:49 -0400 Damon Howell
<dhowell at> writes:
> Hello,
>         I have a building that is set into a hill. I was wondering 
> if I make  
> the top of the walls level all the way across, how much gravity 
> would  
> pull on the extra weight of the lower side of the building. Do you  
> think it would cause the building to "fall" downhill? What if I 
> don't  
> worry about the tops of the walls being level. In which case my cone 
> roof would be lower on one side by 3-4 feet.
> Damon Howell
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