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[Cob] An good example of why we need a cob building "standard"

paul dotpaul at
Sat May 26 08:56:09 CDT 2007

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ocean Liff-Anderson" <ocean at>
To: <coblist at>
Sent: Saturday, May 26, 2007 4:31 AM
Subject: [Cob] An good example of why we need a cob building "standard"

> >
> Do you think building advice given on the coblist should be so
> cavalier and unfounded?

Dunno, Ocean, but to me it just seemed like an anecdote that was not meant 
to provide the details.

Thanks for throwing in some of the details of your project though.  That is 
pretty sobering stuff.  It made me gain a deeper appreciation for the number 
of variables there are, and how easy it would be to screw them up.

Maybe that's why I like ledge.  I stand on ledge and I think, "Hey, no 
settling, no need for a foundation, no ground water leaks, and probably no 
lawn, but who wanted a steenking lawn anyway?"   I still don't understand 
what is so hideous about building on ledge.

Besides that, rock isn't as stupid as rocks.  What's stupid is white man, 
not the rocks.