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[Cob] Wheat Straw Question

yewberry at yewberry at
Mon Aug 27 14:01:53 CDT 2007

fran wrote:

>Someone on the list  have any experience 
>with this?

The straw I used to build my cob bench was practically hay 
(*so* many seeds).  They promptly sprouted after the cob 
was applied, then just as promptly died as the cob dried. 
 Never noticed a single crack.  Moreover, I've even used 
fresh forsythia cuttings, which sprout easily, to build up 
the lip of bench seat.  They too developed leaves and 
(presumably) roots, but never cracked the cob.

I know of nothing that can grow in dry cob, and if your 
cob is drying as fast as you say, I wouldn't worry about 
the seeds.  Heck, I probably wouldn't worry about the 
seeds anyway.  ;)
