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[Cob] cob location

Dean Sherwin costman at
Tue Nov 6 10:06:51 CST 2007

Interesting that several folks are trying to do cob within striking distance of the E coast populated areas, I had more or less given up earth buildingas a practical idea until I could move somewhere more remote ie westwards, since codes adn building officials have restrictions at every turn.  Great tht there will be more critical (earth) mass.  And yes I know code issues have been discussed here and are important, it took a lot of work to get adobe accepted in New Mexico and then parts around there.
My main comment is about nearness to polulated areas in the future stripped-down economy.  I see walking to stores and amenities as a big plus, as mentioned, and that means being close to a reasonable amount of population.  In any case the sustainable life style if you meant self-sufficient, fending for yourself and doing everything, is just too much work and strain.  We need to cooperate and depend on one another.  think community rather than rugged self-reliance.  and those remote locations even tho land is cheap are going to need an awful  lot of (non-existent) oil to get around and be viable.  Also i wish i was in a climate that needed minimal heating (especially) and cooling.  that is going to be a big demand on our resources in the not so far distant future.  Earth building works best with temperate days and cool to not too cold nights.  Just my thoughts and 2 c worth
Dean Sherwin
Message: 1
Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2007 15:20:39 -0400 (GMT-04:00)
From: Michael Schenk <schenkmj at>
Subject: Re: [Cob] New to list, intro
To: coblist at
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We're in Maryland, with property in West Virginia, in a county which recently adopted the international building code.

Mike Schenmk
>Cobbing your own home is going to re-connect you to the world we have forgotten I am reading a book called the ?Long Emergency?. It is not a fun book by a long shot and it has some rather naive assumptions about our government and it's agenda but it seems to be well investigated. It may help some of us make choices about where we want to be and how we want to be there. First off it would be wise to think more in terms of walking distance than commuting. It would also be good to deliberate on the climate and population centers. By this I mean that being too close to highly populated areas may not be in your best interest. A less is best self sustaining life style may be something to be developing now. Even changing eating habits towards a more vegan direction could help your chances of surviving what is going to be a dramatic change. This is a game of musical chairs folks and we don't know when the music is going to stop, we just know it is. for the good of all C.