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[Cob] Midwest Natural Building Workshops

ecoartdb at ecoartdb at
Fri Nov 16 13:14:15 CST 2007

Hey there Cob friends, 
We have some natural building events going on, including Rocket Stove, Thatching and Earth Plastering.  Deanne

Saturday, November 17, 2007. 12a – 5pm 
Introduction to the ROCKET STOVE Heated Bench

In this workshop you will experience the “fired up” Rocket Stove Heated Bench and will help construct a mock up of the main fire chamber using fire bricks. Then sculpt a model of a rocket stove bench (or a model of your choice) to take home. You will learn to identify soil and make an adobe/cob mix.

$30 or $25 Early Bird Special (pay in full 2 weeks before event). Deposit due 1 week before event. Some worktrade available. Class limit 15. Sign up now.


Optional Potluck and overnight. 
Sunday, November 18, 2007. 10 am – 4 pm 

NATURAL EARTH PLASTERING Workshop on the Rocket Stove

Learn to identify soils for making a basic earthen plaster as well as how to mix and apply them. Practice your skills by applying an infill and finish coat to the Rocket Stove Heated Bench (above). Make an earthen model to take home. Includes lunch. $30 or $25 for the Early Bird Special (pay in full two weeks in advance).

 Both days: $50 or $40 Early Bird Special. Some Worktrade available. Class limit 15! 

Thursday, December 6, 2007. 6 – 8:30 pm 
Free Natural Building TOUR & VIDEO EVENING

Join in a potluck, video (the Strawbale Solution) and conversation about strawbale construction. Tour the Strawbale Studio, a beautiful thatched-roof structure made of strawbales covered with earthen plasters. Check out our library of books and resources on natural building and sustainability. RSVP required 1 week in advance! 

December 14, 15 & 16, 2007 ~ 3 Sessions. 
Introduction to THATCHING ~ A natural ROOFING solution

Video Evening, Reed Collection and Tour.

Friday, December 14, 2007. 7 - 9 pm 

Session 1: FREE: Thatching Video Evening

This 1 ½ hour video is a delightful introduction to historical thatching in Europe. No cost for this evening.

Optional: overnight for those attending weekend activity.


December 15 & 16. 10a – 4 pm 

Session 2: Saturday Tour & REED COLLECTION

Session 3: Sunday Tour & REED COLLECTION

 Hands-on learning. Learn all about the procees of collecting reed material to thatch a roof: how to find & identify good reed plus techniques to harvest, bundle, transport & store the reed bundles. Tour the Strawbale Studio an enchanting strawbale structure, and see its 1500 sq. ft. thatched roof close up and in person!

We will be using Japanese sickles for the collection process. The reeds gathered will be used to thatch the roof of a small Kids' Cottage natural building demonstration building which is under construction at the Oxford Strawbale Studio site. Phragmite (reed grass) will be harvested near Oxford or in St. Clair County depending on the weather and availability. We will be collecting both days.

 Come for ONE or ALL days. Overnight accommodations free. Attend one or both days for a total of $25/person or $20 Early Bird Special. Deposit due one week in advance. Limit 15. Some Worktrade available. Sign up now for this unique opportunity! 

December 31, 2007. 

 Enjoy the turning of the year by the glow of the woodstove in the enchanting Strawbale Studio. We will have an outdoor Cosmic Time Line ~ tracking our path back in time to the beginnings of our universe story, and indoors you can try your hand at some natural crafts if you wish. Details (food and time)to be developed! $20 fundraising donation suggested. 25 person limit. Sign up now! 

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