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[Cob] Sod Good Idea or Bad Idea

Knight 231 knight231 at
Fri Dec 28 15:45:50 CST 2007

Afternoon Cobbers,

After reading through the archives there seems to be a consensus that it is a best practice to match your building materials to your environment. Which seems like a reasonable bit of advise. Having said that I'm in the planning stages of building a house I live in the central plains of the U.S. and initially I was thinking
about using sod. Since I have a whole mess of densely rooted prairie
grasses and access to a tractor with a sod cutter. However after doing a bit of digging around I have found very little documentation on sod as compared to cob or rammed earth. In fact the only mentions of sod I've seen in the archives of this list pertain to sod roofs. Is sod just not as popular as cob or, are there significant drawbacks to using sod?

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