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[Cob] Coblist Digest, Vol 7, Issue 13

Dean Sherwin costman at
Thu Jan 22 15:22:38 CST 2009

I'd start with adobe, lots of work done on that & codes exist. 
Problem would seem to me to be in quality control, must be a huge 
variety in strength according to construction, eg how well the bags 
are bedded together.  Get the client to pay for a load test of a 
piece of wall at an engineering lab or find a starry-eyed graduate 
student who can arrange it for free.

At 03:00 PM 1/22/2009, coblist-request at wrote:

>I have been asked to provide engineering for a earthbag home. There 
>is nothing in the Code for the design of this type of structure. 
>Does anyone out there have any idea where a person can find 
>reference material for the engineering design of a earthbag Building?

Dean Sherwin CPE
Certified Professional Estimator
LEED Accredited Professional
3, Cherry Street
PO Box 11
Media, PA 19063-0011
(610)892 8860
fax (610) 892 7862
costman at