Rethink Your Life!
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The Work of Art and The Art of Work
Kiko Denzer on Art

[Cob] Cob Washington, DC area

Henry Raduazo raduazo at
Tue Feb 24 20:42:53 CST 2009

	I was wondering if anyone is interested in a small cob workshops in  
April comparing machine mixed cob to cinderblocks? I would like to  
compare relative speed and cost for wall construction. We will be  
using a lawn mower to chop straw into short mixable pieces and using  
a rototiller to mine and mix clay with sand, straw and water. The cob  
will then be picked up with a dirt fork and moved to a block  
foundation on wheelbarrows.
	Participants in this study will get a two hour lecture on cob, a  
copy of The Hand Sculpted House and lunch in exchange for 6 to 8  
hours of hard work and some practical experience in wall building.
	The workshops will take place at my house one mile from the Mount  
Vernon Estate.

Ed Raduazo

raduazo at
or Ed @ 703-360-2316