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[Cob] cob/insulation

Dale Gillilan shorinjin at
Thu Apr 23 15:01:25 CDT 2009

On Apr 23, 2009, at 11:00 AM, coblist-request at wrote:

> From: Henry Raduazo <raduazo at>
> Date: April 22, 2009 12:33:11 PM AKDT
> Subject: Re: [Cob] cob/insulation
> Bob: I have some pictures of a straw bale and cob hybrid that I  
> helped to construct in wales if you are interested in that. I have  
> also made some decent insulation using clay and paper. The paper  
> clay can be made by mixing with a rototiller if you need a lot.
> Ed


I would be very interested in seeing the pictures as well.  Can you  
also give more information on your paper/clay mixture?  I'm having a  
hard time locating quantities of straw here in Alaska, so I've been  
toying with using cardboard, paper or wood chips.
