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[Cob] have a seminar?

Kathryn Marsh kmarsh at
Sat May 30 12:02:13 CDT 2009

Don't be in too much of  a hurry to do this Tys - remember you can  
find yourself not so much with  a bunch of useful helpers but with a  
bunch of people who not only doh't know what they are doing so a lot  
of time has to be put into teaching them, but who have to be fed,  
waited on hands and foot, are more decorative than useful (or not even  
that), etc, etc

Maybe I'm just a grouch but while some workshops I've run have been  
full of really useful individuals who knew that the only way to learn  
is to a) look b) listen c) think and d) practice I've had others that  
were just the opposite. Its taken me two weeks to repair the damage  
caused by a couple of these - and that was in a garden, not in my  
home. Don't want the house to fall down because someone wasn't  
concentrating on getting their mix right


On 30 May 2009, at 17:13, Tys Sniffen wrote:

> So,
> How do people feel about having a building seminar on their project,  
> to help
> get a bunch of people to help put some volume on the walls?  I was  
> getting
> ready to have one up here, but then the logistics started to feel  
> like just
> as much work as slinging mud myself.
> (and, I realize it's late in the spring to be thinking of a seminar  
> for this
> summer, but I just finished my subfloor [12 tons of clay and road  
> base!],
> and I didn't know when exactly I'd be ready for a group.)
> Tys
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