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[Cob] Moldy test samples

Janet Standeford janet.standeford at
Sun Feb 21 19:48:16 CST 2010

Hi Ed,
No, it's a blue flame tiny heater. The sample actually spent about a 
week or so in a cold unheated trailer. That's where the mold grew. Now 
it is in close proximity to the heater, it is starting to dry out. I 
just wonder if I didn't use enough straw and/or too much water even if 
it holds together firmly. Most of all, I like your idea. Since I will 
have a fireplace in the house, that should dry the cob walls well on the 
inside as I go into fall and winter. I can use the pocket rocket in the 
outbuildings beautifully though. Thank you for this insight and the picture.

Janet Standeford
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The Green Globes standard, American Code Standard
for Green Building is to be released in late Spring.

On 2/21/2010 4:32 PM, Henry Raduazo wrote:
> Janet:
>     Did the propane heater have a means to vent the burnt gas to the 
> outside of the building? If not you may have been adding water vapor 
> to the inside of hour house while you were heating it. If you build a 
> pocket rocket to heat your house it will dry very quickly during cold 
> weather.  This one is made from a 5 gallon steel bucket. It has a 6 
> inch chimney and an 8 inch burn tube. I would actually make the burn 
> tube six inches too to limit smoke leakage into the house, but what do 
> I know?
> Ed