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[Cob] i would like to recieve the coblist digest!

Bill Christensen billc_lists at
Tue May 4 22:46:46 CDT 2010

Hi Clare and others who may be wondering the same thing.

it's good to be self-sufficient in this as well.   You can change a 
number of options with your Coblist subscription by going to 
<> and going to the 
(badly named, IMO) "Unsubscribe or edit options" button near the 
bottom of the page.  Enter your password - which you should have 
received by email just a couple days ago, as you do every month - or 
if you threw that out you can click the button anyway and the click 
the "REMIND" button a the bottom of the resulting page.

Once you're in you can choose digest mode, etc.

If you want to be able to send from three different addresses 
(perhaps because you often forget to change your outgoing mail 
address from your normal default address to the one you use for all 
your list mail, like I do) you can set your alternate address(es) to 
not receive mail, but still allow sending.

There's a bunch of other stuff in there too.  I run a handful of 
lists on the same software that the Coblist is on, so feel free to 
ask me offlist if you have specific questions about how a certain 
feature works.

At 10:19 AM -0700 5/4/10, Clare Kenny wrote:
>  thanks!!!
>- clare
>Coblist mailing list
>Coblist at

Bill Christensen

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