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[Cob] Floor construction

tony conway tony at
Mon May 24 01:45:31 CDT 2010

Continuing on earthen floors:
What are the options for ensuring that an earthen floor remains damp free
from below. We will construct various cob structures over the coming years
on our farm in Portugal, and plan to use earthen floors. Has anyone tried to
incorporate an air space below the floor, and if so what did you use as the
base to lay the floor upon. The same issue if one is seeking high thermal
mass in upstairs rooms. Earth floors, laid upon a suitable load bearing
base. Don't want to use ply boards, only natural materials. Any suggestions?

On 23/5/10 01:06, "Dulane" <silkworm at> wrote:

> I hope to have more experience in this process soon. I have a 4" poured cob
> floor that I hope to add a 2" finish layer to. I was very impressed that
> this cob floor did OK under a carpet, and the floor was never cold to the
> touch in the winter.