Rethink Your Life!
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The Work of Art and The Art of Work
Kiko Denzer on Art

[Cob] Code Used

Janet Standeford janet.standeford at
Fri Jul 23 13:25:12 CDT 2010

Go to

Click on Chapter 21 Masonry hit control f and type ASTM C 67 (you have 
to have the space between M and C as well as between C and 6).

There is more on the next page after what it takes you to.

btw I just made my cube samples for the psi testing. In about a month 
I'll take them in. I made them with 1 loose inch of cob then poured 
approx 3 gallons of sandy clay on top then another 1 loose inch of 
straw. I added water as needed until it held together and was elastic. 
Filled the forms and stepped on them to ensure even distribution. Will 
let them dry some then trim. Probably with a sharp draw knife.

Janet Standeford OR (Owned by you)
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