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[Cob] the lime putty question again

Tys Sniffen tys at
Wed Sep 1 12:17:08 CDT 2010

I continue to waffle about my interior plaster plans.   We want to, I guess,
have a lime plaster in our bathroom and kitchen (not in the shower proper,
as that will be tiled). We'll also do a lime plaster on the exterior.  


There's so much different information about slaked lime, hydrated lime, etc.
with the different sorts, the different suppliers, the danger of mixing
yourself. I'd be willing to buy already made lime putty, like  from a
company like  but I
want to know if that's really worth all that shipping cost.  


I mean, you hear some people just seem to go down to the lumber yard and buy
a bag of slaked lime and toss it in a barrel of water and wait a day and go.


Of course we want a smooth, non-powdery, hard wall, and generally we want
white colors.  Anyone have info that can clear this up for me?

