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[Cob] stryo cob..been done, ongoing

Charmaine Taylor dirtcheapbuilderbooks at
Thu Jan 27 20:17:50 CST 2011

I have a lot of discarded stryofoam piled up which I thought I may be
able to grind down and mix with cob

This has been done beautifully- but is not 'cob' per se, but is clay and
 ground Styrofoam DUST, not even beads, but the dust particles, mixed with
clay, cement, sand, for a fire resistan,t highly insulating materrial that
can be shaped, poured, cast, formed easily.   It can even make a floating
boat too. An inventor in MI, of a  spiritual comunity designed this after
fires  burnt down homes.

 'He calls it "paracrete".. and there are many versions from your idea of
cob with  styro-- to his with orther ingredients, all of them can work to
some degree, some are better, all are good in keeping stuff from the land
                          but as someone said.. if you are a purist  you
will pass on it.

 I helped the inventor to put together a teaching booklet, and an  info CD
about his method.. read more:   Scroll down to #8580 :
PARACRETE- EPS-Cement Building
One great thing about a paracrete wall.. you can put a wood stove or other
heater  close to the wall, no need for a 3' distance, or a brick subfloor.

His experiments and  efforts & earnings go to building more shelters for his
Charmaine Taylor Publishing