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[Cob] Greening the cob oven

Ray Cirino cobanation at
Sun Feb 13 21:14:51 CST 2011

It's time we look at our own cob ovens and ask the question, How green is it. 
When I first saw the oven I wondered why is there black on the front door area. 
Or why does it take hours to heat up with hardwood. Well after eight years of 
failing on my last six ovens I've made a major break through that is across the 
board needed to keep our air clean and forest alive. 
It's ready in twenty minutes, uses way less wood, minimal CO2 exhaust, no 
hardwood needed, hotter if needed, and could house a coil for a hot tub. 
Check it out:
 The Great Challenges we now face as a species present the very opportunities 
that are giving birth to Ecological, Psychological, and Spiritual 

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