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[Cob] cob mold

Tys Sniffen tys at
Sat Feb 19 21:40:20 CST 2011



While I wouldn't want to say 'don't worry about it' at all, our experience,
here in N California, with a roof built first, was that during the wet
season, I was seeing some white moldy-ish stuff on the inside of the walls.
Interestingly, it was mostly about face height, as the lower stuff probably
dried before the wet season fully started. 


This was a year ago, I think. no more than 2 years for sure.  I got all
worried and I believe emailed this group, and got some different opinions
(see if you can find archives) but basically, when it was drier again, I
just took a stiff broom to the area, taking off some cob dust along with any
traces of the mold.   


We then did a discovery coat, and then a finish earth plaster, and then 6
coats of lime wash.  Looks great as of now.  Of course, ask me again in 10

