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[Cob] over oiled floor

Tys Sniffen tys at
Fri Jul 15 10:50:23 CDT 2011

So, it seems on my second coat of linseed oil, I left a few spots thicker
than I should have.  Most of the floor is dried, but these few spots are
slightly sticky and shiny.   Of course I'm worried about the final result.
Any suggestions?


I could just go over the whole thing with another (thinned) coat, or try to
put some thinner (we have a citrus-based one) right on those spots before I
do another. or try and heat up those spots somehow?  We don't have a


If this was a wood piece I was oiling, I'd just sand off the sticky stuff
and go again. but I don't want to do that with my earth floor!

