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[Cob] Earth Building, London, UK

Linda Royles cobinthecommunity at
Thu Sep 1 02:19:31 CDT 2011

Come and learn about natural building and help build a community eco- 
hut with rammed earth tyres, cob (earth) and straw-bale. Weekend  
courses over Sep / Oct at the subsidised rate of £35 a day or £180 for  
6 days and £250 for 10 days.

This weekend Sat 3rd and Sun 4th Sep 10am - 4pm - building a stem wall  
with rammed earth tyres
A unique opportunity to learn about rammed earth tyres building - we  
have the expert earth-ship builder from Brighton visiting for a day on  
Saturday. Few people have as much passion about rammed earth - and  
rammed tires in particular than Jon Kalviac. Jon has worked on  
Earthship Brighton and also on the Zwolle Earthship built in Holland  
last year, to name a few.

Sat 10th / Sun 11th & Sat 17th / Sun 18th Sep  - building cob walls  
with earth, sand and straw - come and have fun in mud and learn an  
ancient building craft with London based, Cob in the Community

Sat 24th / Sun 25th Sep - finishing cob walls and internal  
furnishings, sculpture and mosaic

Sat 8th / Sun 9th building straw-bale walls and lime-rendering with Chug

Also ongoing volunteer days on Fridays to continue work on the  
building - we are having great fun and learning lots with a great  
group of people so do come along if you can.

Please register by emailing meadoworchard at or phoning  
07947 617563

Venue details: Meadow Orchard Project, behind Hornsey Health Centre,  
151 Park Rd, Crouch End N8 8JD
Bus W7 from Finsbury Park stops outside or buses 41 / 91 to Crouch End.