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[Cob] songs about cob

Howard Switzer howard at
Fri Nov 25 15:18:29 CST 2011

On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 7:57 AM, Robert Alcock <ralcock at>wrote:
Hi all

What are your favourite songs related to cob?

My favorite is... Mud, mud, I love mud.
I'm absolutely positively wild about mud!  Can't go around it, gotta go
through it.  Wonderful, marvelous, super duper mud!!!"

Here's the video by Rick Charette who wrote the song.

I wrote one myself too.  Sorry, no video of anyone singing it, but Katey
and I sing it to a good mud stomping beat.


I like houses, you know why?

They keep us inside warm and dry

With windows to watch the world go by

And doors through which we can fly.

But today a house cost a lot to buy

And full of things that’ll make you cry

Covered up by the industrial lie

So here’s to something in your eye its...

*Mud mud mud mud mud mud mud mud

mud mud mud build your house with mud. (re)

Most new houses that you see

Are not very healthy places to be

They’re poison mixed with ground up tree

They don’t feel like home to me like...


Houses built by the industry

have no soul, no history

We cannot go on building these

I’d rather be up to my knees in...


We can build walls right from the ground

And we seem to have a lot of that around

The poss-i-bil-i-ties abound

But first we’ve got to tromp around in...


©1996 Howard M. Switzer
