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[Cob] Looking for answers (Henry Raduazo): mixing cob with rototiller

Howard Switzer howard at
Sun Mar 3 13:25:13 CST 2013

God works in strange and diverse ways, why not the rest of us?  BTW, what
good is a romantic without hope? :-)  I admire the ethics of that, slowing
down to match the speed of nature.  Building naturally, even if you use a
drill or a mortar mixer, is still putting the brakes on somewhat, I think.

On Sun, Mar 3, 2013 at 8:30 AM, Tim <humantim at> wrote:

> I may just be off the beam with the general consensus here, but isn't the
> whole point of building naturally to stay away using from fossil fuels and
> machines and to rely on our human strength and what the natural world
> provides?
> Using found materials and re-purposing concrete for a foundation is one
> thing...
> I know I'm a hopeless romantic about the potential of this movement.
> Your brother in Christ,
> Tim
> "But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be
> seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God."  John 3:21
> ________________________________
> From: E W <ehwpc at>
> To: coblist at
> Sent: Saturday, March 2, 2013 10:07 PM
> Subject: [Cob] Looking for answers (Henry Raduazo): mixing cob with
> rototiller
> Hi Ed! i just read your comments to Marlin Nissen in the "Coblist"
> regarding the production of cob with a rototiller. You mentioned that you
> do the mixing with a 5HP tiller.I am about to start mixing for a 1500 sq
> feet house. Could you please share with me your experience and perhaps
> pictures? What about the long straw? Doesn't it get clogged to the rotor?
> Doesn`t it get cut into smaller pieces by the blades from the tiller?  I
> was thinking about renting a bobcat, but perhaps the rototiller is a better
> and cheaper solution...and I'd appreciate it if you'd share your
> experience. Thanks a lot!  Eric (EW)
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Howard Switzer - Architect
668 Hurricane Creek Road
Linden, TN 37096
931 589 6513

"You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model
-- Richard Buckminster