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[Cob] interview about cob self-build

Pavel Velikodvorsky willyns59 at
Wed Jan 29 08:37:38 CST 2014

Hello to all!
Thanks Robert for the link to the interview. Hope i'm doing right by
answering to this email to keep converstaion.
I got interested in the picture with the caprion Another way of mixing cob
in this article. There is the guy mixing the cob using this moto-thing (i
don't know how it called right)
Does anyone know how effective is this? There is a huge amount of cob to
make in front of me this summer and I didn't come to any conclusion how to
do it fast and effective - in meaning of good quality of cob.
So far I used the cement mixer for my little cob shed, but for the main
house even this won't be that fast as needed. Can anyone share their
expirience in mixing huge amounts of cob?
I tried to mix it in the pit with the tracktor, but we have such a rocky
soil here, so all rocks were in the cob and it wasn't that good.


On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 4:10 PM, Robert Alcock <ralcock at>wrote:

> Hi all
> You might like to check out, just posted today, an interview about the
> house project with Rob Hopkins of Transition Towns.
> can-earth-building-scale-mainstream-3-robert-alcock-power-keeping-it-small
> cheers
> Robert
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