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[Cob] cob research institute board opportunity

john fordice otherfish at
Mon Feb 17 22:42:39 CST 2014

To all interested cobbers,

The COB RESEARCH INSTITUTE ( CRI ) is a non profit 501.c.3 corporation devoted to the creation of a COB BUILDING CODE. 
We are currently building an effective BOARD OF DIRECTORS to support this effort . 
CRI  is seeking a talented creative individual to fill the volunteer position of PUBLICIST / GRAPHICS DESIGNER and SECRETARY.
The position is for a minimum one to two year commitment in the position as a Board Member who will: 
Serve as Publicist to promote the Cob Research Institute's Mission.
Create mission related graphic publicity materials. 
Organize and attend four quarterly Board Meetings.  
Act as Board Secretary and record & publish meeting minutes. 
Help guide development of the CRI Board organization & activities.

Cob building is a liberating way of building which is currently restricted from broad use by the currently accepted International Codes Council building codes.  
Help us in our goal of creating a COB BUILDING CODE and set cob free !!!
See for more info on the CRI effort.

Interested individuals can contact John Fordice, Board President & Executive Director to discuss your skills to see if there is a match between you and the CRI Goals.